His name is Ben Baller, not Ben Humble. He’s the Pre-2000 Korean Gary Oldman & today he’s here to discuss: People losing their minds for real on this lockdown, rising above adversity, hitting differed payments & having no bills or income for the past 80 days, collaborations coming as enormous blessing, Topps 2020 Project & getting serious with the designs, making sure the cards retain value & Ricky Henderson card being next, people not thinking COVID-19 exists, taking beyond precautionary measures until there’s a cure or 280M+ people are tested, China withholding information about Coronavirus & what repercussions should be, American civilians should stay home, seeing a 5G tower for the first time, Haters that wish they were even in the stands, this being a vacation & if it isn’t how you can improve, enjoying the quality time with kids, considering home schooling for long term, Jackass of The Week (Sponsored by BuyLegalMeds.com PROMO CODE: behindtheballer for 50% OFF), hitting two of his favorite pizza spots in LA County, breaking his red meat diet, what he’s been watching, Trolls 2 selling over $100M in streaming & AMC being mad at Universal films, Goofy’s enjoying IG Live, RareJewels DeBeers campaign @realisadiamond & a whole lot more. This episode is not to be missed!
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Produced by: DBP CORP www.dbpodcasts.com
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Music by @lakeyinspired
Available on all Podcast Platforms, YouTube & BehindTheBallerPod.com
Behind The Baller Theme Music
Artist: Illegal Kartel (@illegal_kartel_mikal_shakur)
Produced by: Gene Crenshaw