We are going to keep it funky for The Weekend Wrap Up! He is your host, Ben Baller & not Ben Humble. He’s here to discuss: Living 4 lives, taking a poll, being on the look for paper towels, The State of Georgia Opening Up, haircuts & fixing his hairline, a friend who tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, downloading Houseparty, Screen Time being up, The status of Kim Jong Un & North Korea, his kids fighting each other, people hitting the beaches in Southern California, Answering Fan Questions, Kanye West is a Billionaire, Jackass of the Week, getting his cars detailed, stopping by Little Tokyo, re-releasing the gold vacuum sealers & other upcoming drops, watching IP Man 4, movie night with the kids, being on The Pomp Podcast, digging into photo archives about Skating & Sneakers & a whole lot more.
Produced by: DBP CORP www.dbpodcasts.com
Follow @dbpodcasts on Instagram & Twitter
Music by @lakeyinspired
Available on all Podcast Platforms, YouTube & BehindTheBallerPod.com
Behind The Baller Theme Music
Artist: Illegal Kartel (@illegal_kartel_mikal_shakur)
Produced by: Gene Crenshaw